Hidden traits are traits in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4 that cannot be seen in-game except when a Sim performs a related action autonomously or an unlocked interaction is available. Hidden traits become available to Sims in specific careers, life states, or in some cases the children of a Sim with the hidden trait. 1 The Sims 3 1.1 Standard hidden traits 1.2 Technical hidden traits 1.3 Trivia 2. Glutton - these Sims like eating, get hungry more often and they can eat foods of any quality (including spoiled food), they can search trashcans in search for something eatable. Good - these Sims are happy if they are around the Sims with positive moodlets; they become sad, while talking to evil Sims; they may donate to charity. A ridiculous amount of coffee was consumed in the process of creating custom content for The Sims 4. Add some fuel if you'd like to keep me going! By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies.
10. Teenage Pregnancy
The subject of teenage pregnancy might not be as taboo as it once was, with MTV glamourising it as a 'trend' nowadays, but it's hardly something that will come standard with The Sims 4 or even in an Expansion Pack for that matter. With this mod comes teenage Woohoo, which means you could end up making your own version of Juno or Saved with your creations. However, just so you know, pregnant Sims are moody and require a lot of attention, and a teenager is even worse. Could you just imagine the pressure of highschool, a part-time job, pimples, a bun in the oven AND telling your parents about it? You're in for a rough ride... But, if you feel your teenage Sim needs more drama in her life (you terrible, horrible person), the mod can be downloaded at various websites like Mod The Sims, Sims VIP or Nraas.Since The Sims 4 only allows our sims to be equipped with 3 traits when they are created, sometimes we’d like to add some new ones and the only way to do that is through cheats or earning some reward traits, cheating is always easier!
This guide is going to go through the entire list of trait cheats that you can use to equip your sim’s with all sorts of new traits and make them a more well-rounded and interesting sim.
How to Use Cheats
If you want to use any of these cheats, you need to make sure that cheats are enabled before doing anything! First you need to open up the cheat box by hitting ctrl + shift + c and then typing in testingcheats true which will allow cheats to work. Then you can just type in any of the trait cheats listed below, and they should work.
Regular Trait Cheats
The following are the cheats to add some new regular traits into your sim’s personality. These are the types of traits that you would be able to give your sim when you make them in create a sim, or when they are aging up.
More Traits Sims 4

Bonus Trait Cheats
The following are cheats for all of the traits that you are given when you choose an aspiration. For example, when you choose a knowledge aspiration you’re given the quick learner trait!
Sims 4 Traits List
Reward Store Trait Cheats
Sims 4 Personality Traits Mod
The following cheats are going to get you traits that you’d be given when you purchase things from the rewards store with your satisfaction points.
Sims 4 Bully Trait
Aspiration Reward Trait Cheats

Children’s Reward Trait Cheats
The following traits are only given to children, but do last their entire life. The gifted traits are rewarded when a child aged sim completes an aspiration. The scouting trait is rewarded when a sim completes all of the scouting tasks as either a child or a teenager.
The Sims 4: Get to Work Trait Cheats
The following trait gives sims who are in the active Doctor Career resistance from being sick which can also make them get healthy faster.
The Sims 4: City Living Trait Cheats
The following traits are from City Living and are revolved around the festival and food vendors that you’ll find around the city. The final one, critically connected, is given to sims in the critic career.
The Sims 4: Jungle Adventure Trait Cheats
The following traits are given to you in The Sims 4: Jungle Adventure when you spend time in Selvadorada.
The Sims 4: Vampires Trait Cheats

The following traits are given to vampires who are able to learn a ton and gain lots of vampire power, or a sim who has regained their humanity and stopped drinking without permission.
The Sims 4: Parenthood Character Value Trait Cheats
The following are a set of traits that are given to children who have grown from Teenager to Young Adult with their character values in the positive or negative ranges. This comes from The Sims 4: Parenthood!
The Sims 4: Strangerville Trait Cheats
The following traits are going to either infect or vaccinate your sims against the strangerville mystery disease.
Island Living Career Reward Trait Cheats
If your sim is in the Conservationist Career they will be rewarded with one of two traits that can help them in the process!
Final Thoughts
Using cheats to give your sim brand new traits is an awesome way to quickly update their personality and make them more unique. Are there any trait cheats I may have missed? Let me know in the comments!